PAC Band Winter Concert, "Musical Reflections of the Last Century", on February 20, 2000 in the Papillion-La Vista High School Auditorium. Held in conjunction with the annual Papillion Lion's Club Spaghetti Feed, this annual concert had a variety of music representing each decade of the 20th century. Over 200 people attended. Two very special guests joined us: Elaine Kalal-Stoner making her fourth appearance with the PAC Band sang "Over the Rainbow" (from the Wizard of Oz) and "But Not for Me" (a swingin' Gershwin piece); and Rob McCartney, news anchorman for KETV, Channel 7, in his second appearance with the PAC Band, narrated the events of each decade. Elaine's beautiful voice & Rob's memorable and humorous anecdotes well received by an enthusiastic audience. The PAC Band looks forward to future performances with these professionals! In addition to the concert, the Dixieland Band provided an hour of entertainment at the Spaghetti Feed in the high school cafeteria. After the concert, there was a press conference to formally announce the Fund Drive for the Outdoor Performing Arts Center at Walnut Creek.
Annual Community Carol Concert (Brass Choir), an ecumenical celebration hosted by the Tri-City Ministerial Association Churches, on December 12, 2000 at St. Columbkille Catholic Church in Papillion. Click here to see the pictures of the concert.
Papillion's Germantown Christmas Celebration (Brass Choir) on November 26, 1999, playing Christmas carols and welcoming Santa Claus to Papillion's Portal School downtown.
The final "Concert in the Park" in the City Park on August 15, 1999. This concert was attended by over 150 people on a beautiful summer evening. This was the last performance of the PAC Band's 1998 - 1999 season. Click here to see the pictures of the concert.
The "Relay for Life" (fund raiser for the American Cancer Society) at Bellevue West High School on June 25, 1999. We provided music to entertain the participants as they began their night of walking the track.
The annual Papillion Days Concert in the City Park on June 20, 1999. The concert was well attended, with over 100 people listening from picnic tables and lawn chairs. This concert is the final event of the 4-day celebration, and also marks the beginning of the summer "Concerts in the Park" series. Click here to see the pictures of the concert.
The Dixieland Band played a one hour concert for Papillion Days on a warm Friday evening, June 18, 1999.
The Mid-America Band Camp held at Omaha South High School on June 17, 1999. Our "captive" audience of junior high students enjoyed the performance, especially when their camp counselors joined the band on-stage with their instruments to play the last two numbers!
Dedication ceremony for the Walnut Creek Recreation Area on June 16, 1999. Walnut Creek, the new lake and park on the southern edge of Papillion, will be the site of the Outdoor Performing Arts Center the PAC Band is trying to fund/build.
Opening Ceremonies for the annual Nebraska Special Olympics on May 20, 1999. The PAC Band provided music prior to the event and as the hundreds of kids marched in. Probably the favorite tune of the evening was "It's a Small World."
PAC Band Winter Concert, our Valentine Concert, on February 14, 1999 in the Papillion-La Vista High School Auditorium. Held in conjunction with the annual Papillion Lion's Club Spaghetti Feed, this annual concert had a variety of music. Over 120 people attended. Two very special guests joined us: Elaine Kalal-Stoner making her third appearance with the PAC Band sang "My Funny Valentine" and "'S Wonderful" (a great Gershwin piece); and Rob McCartney, news anchorman for KETV, Channel 7, narrated the "Lincoln Portrait" to a recent piece called "Lincoln Legacy" in honor of Lincoln's birthday. Both Elaine & Rob received thunderous applause, and the PAC Band looks forward to future performances with these professionals!
Annual Community Carol Concert (Brass Choir), an ecumenical celebration hosted by the Tri-City Ministerial Association Churches, on December 13, 1998 at St. Columbkille Catholic Church in Papillion.
Midlands Hospital Auxiliary Christmas Dinner on December 3, 1998, playing Christmas carols for the hospital volunteers' dinner.
Swedish Travel Club Meeting (Dixieland Band) hosted by Abbott Airport Parking on September 22, 1998.
Oktoberfest hosted by Abbott Airport Parking in 1998.
Nebraska Special Olympics opening ceremony at Creighton University in Omaha, two years in a row.
Nebraska Bandmasters annual conference in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Sarpy County Fair in Springfield, Nebraska, two years in a row.
Joint concert with the Sarpy Serenaders at Papillion-La Vista High School.
Papillion Lion's Club Christmas Dinner/Meeting (Brass Choir).
Annual Winter Concert at Papillion-La Vista High School.
Annual Papillion Days concert in the City Park.
Annual Summer Concert in the City Park.
Annual Christmas Carols during Papillion's Germantown Christmas Celebration (Brass Choir).
Annual Community Carol Concert, an ecumenical celebration hosted by the Tri-City Ministerial Association Churches at St. Columbkille Catholic Church (Brass Choir).